Address is the destination of virtual currency remittance and is used only for a specific transaction.
When receiving virtual currency,
① Generate an address (create an account to receive) with a secret key (a PIN number that only you know).
② Tell the other party the generated address and have them send money.
③ The procedure is to receive with a public key (a key generated from a private key and published to a third party).
No one can figure out the private key from the address or public key.
Not only the address, but also the private key and public key can be used only for one transaction, and they are a set of three.
Altcoin" is a combination of the two words "alternative" and "coin." It is generally used to include all cryptocurrencies that are not Bitcoin.
Amount refers to the transaction volume (amount) in a trade.
Anti Money Laundering(AML)
These are a set of international laws that hope to prevent criminal organisations or individuals laundering money.
Ask Price
The ask is the term used when one trader expressed an intention to buy an asset or financial instrument. The "ASK" price is also known as "offer" price. In FX trading, the Ask represents the price at which a trader can buy the base currency and as such will usually be higher than the market price.
[ Antonym ] - Bid
Asset approach
The asset approach is an exchange rate determination theory. The exchange rate is determined by the supply and demand relationship with the amount of asset stock in the asset market. There is a tendency to often refer to the direction of medium- to long-term prices.
[English name] Asset Approach
Bid Price
Prices are quoted two-way as Bid/Ask. In FX trading, the Bid represents the price at which a trader can sell the base currency.
[ Antonym ] - Ask
Business Index
The economic trend index is an index that indicates the direction of the economy, whether it is upward if it is 50% or more and downward if it is 50% or less, and is announced by the Cabinet Office every month. There are two types of index, "CI (Composite Index)" and "DI (Diffusion Index)".
Capital Gain
Capital gains are the profits made from buying and selling of financial instruments.
[ Synonyms ] - Foreign exchange gain
[ Antonym ] - Capital loss
Capital Loss
Capital losses are the losses made from buying and selling of financial instruments.
[ Synonyms ] - Foreign exchange loss
[ Antonym ] - Capital gain
Cash settlement
A procedure for settling future contract where the cash difference between future and the market price is paid instead of physical delivery.
A chart is a graph that shows the price movements of past exchange rate fluctuations. "Bar chart", "Line chart", "Candlestick chart" and "Average bar chart" are commonly used chart types.
.A Forex chart is a price chart showing the historical price and volume data on one or more currency pairs thus, it graphically depicts the historical behaviour of a currency across various time frames, along with technical patterns & indicators and overlays.
Client Cabinet
In Titan FX, it refers to the client cabinet page where you can deposit, withdraw, change settings, etc. to your MT4 / MT5 account.
Close Price
Closing price generally refers to the last price of a regular trading session.
[ Antonym ] - Opening price
Commodity Trading
Commodity trading is a word that means "commodities" in a broad sense, and the stocks handled by Titan FX include precious metals (metals) and energy stocks, and literally trading those products.
Note that Titan FX commodities are not futures and therefore do not have contract months.
Click here for a list of stocks handled by Titan FX.
CFD - Contract for Difference
A Contract for Difference (CFD) allows traders to speculate on the future market movements of an underlying asset, without actually owning or taking physical delivery of the underlying asset.
Contrarian trading is a Forex strategy that favours going against the current market bias in anticipation of a shift in market sentiment. It involves buying a currency when it is weak and selling it when it’s strong.
Correction Phase
A correction phase is usually referred when the market price of an asset declines over 10% from its recent peak. In an uptrend, correction phase is usually followed by a fresh increase.
Country Risk
Country risk is the risk that the currency exchange rate may fluctuate due to the credit worthiness of the country in which it is invested. Countries with stable conditions such as Japan and the United States are said to have low country risk, and countries with unstable domestic conditions such as developing countries are said to have high country risk.
Cross Currency Trade
A cross currency pair is one that consists of a pair of currencies traded in Forex that does not include the U.S. dollar.
Cross Order
Holding ("buy" and "sell") positions of the same brand (commodity) at the same time.
Please note that depending on the currency pair you trade, there is a risk of daily loss due to swap points due to interest rate differences. With Titan FX, it is possible to do cross order transactions within the same account, but these transactions aiming for zero cut between multiple accounts or between other traders (two or more traders) are prohibited.
Crypto CFD
Titan FX's cryptocurrency CFD deposits fiat currency funds as margin (collateral) without holding the actual cryptocurrency, and trades are performed based on the change in the amount when the virtual currency is converted to fiat currency.
On the MT4 / MT5 stock list, there are descriptions divided into "Crypto Majors" and "Crypto Minors".
What is cryptocurrency CFD (FAQ) ?