Hidden Line
A candlestick whose closing price is lower than its opening price.
High Price
A high price is the highest traded price over a period of time.
[ Antonym ] - Low price
Income Gain
Income gain refers to the income earned by owning a financial product. For Forex, income from swap points etc. is the income gain however, depending on the transaction, the swap point may be negative.
Indicative Price
Indicative price is the price (a reasonable estimate) that a financial instrument will probably sell for.
Indicative Quote
The market maker’s price which is not firm.
Tools used by traders to predict future price movements. There are many types such as moving averages, Bollinger bands, MACD, etc.
Continued rise in the general price level in conjunction with a related drop in purchasing power. Sometimes referred to as an excessive movement in such price level.
Interbank Market
The inter-bank market is a place where a limited number of participants, such as financial institutions and major securities companies, manage and procure funds, and is also called the "inter-bank market."
Intervention is a foreign exchange balancing operation. It is a currency trading transaction conducted by the Ministry of Finance and central bank of each country for the purpose of influencing the foreign exchange market.
"Kiwi is a nickname for 'New Zealand Dollar' (NZD).
Leverage is a mechanism that allows you to invest more than your own funds by investing the funds as collateral.
Limit Order
Limit order is one of the ordering methods to set the desired trading price and place an order. It is used to set a rate and make a profit at that rate when the desired profit is achieved.
[ Antonym ] - Market order
Liquidity refers to "liquidity" in the market. In the foreign exchange market, a state where trading volume is large and buying and selling is active is "high liquidity", and conversely, a state where trading volume is small and buying and selling is not active is "low liquidity".
Long means buying a financial instrument or holding a buy position.
[ Synonyms ] - Buy-and-hold
[ Antonyms ] - Short
Low price
The low price is the cheapest traded price in a certain period of time.
[ Antonym ] - High price